
Greetings & Bootlegs!

First off, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

My apologies for lack of news lately...My personal schedule has been a bit busy! I found out yesterday that the LJ group I maintain for DM (DMFans is now up to a steady 180 members! What a treat!

I am compiling a large number of photos of the band, some rare, some not-so-rare. I'm in the process of organizing these photos in a photobucket account, so stay tuned to that. As always, if you would like to submit any of your own photos, feel free to mail them to rootofshe at gmail dot com. As always, please include your name & date/show the photo was taken at, if applicable!

In other news, I have found a link with quite a bit of DM bootlegs. I'm not a huge fan of bootlegs unless they are high quality, but many of these are.

Depeche Mode - Moonfruit

Have a fantastic weekend, all!

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